2024 Annual Conference with Paul Blackham

The Glory of Christ

David Bebbington suggested that one of the marks of evangelicalism is activism. We like to do stuff and be busy about the kingdom of God. However, in the midst of all the busyness, it is easy to lose sight of the one for whom we are working. In the advancing of the mission, we need to ensure that the one in whose mission we are engaged remains at the forefront of our minds and in the driving seat of our hearts. When we are weary from our labours, maybe even dejected and despondent over the mismatch between the longings of our souls and the reality on the ground, we must remember to look up – to set our minds on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God, and upon Him who is our friend, our brother, our saviour and king.

With this in mind, we are delighted to welcome Revd Dr Paul Blackham as our speaker at this year’s conference. Paul has been preaching since the age of 14 and has a PhD in systematic theology from Kings College London. He has ministered at several churches, including All Souls Church, Langham Place in central London and has served as a church planter in south Wales. He is the author of the Book by Book Bible study DVD series and is currently presenting the “Christ Centred Cosmic Civilisation” podcast. His passion is to keep Jesus at the centre of life and church. We look forward to being inspired by his love for and message about Christ Jesus.

We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship…

10:30am – 3pm, Tuesday 14th May
Christchurch Bushmead, Hancock Drive, Luton LU2 7SF

Tickets are £13 per head and include sandwich lunch.
Please contact us if you have special dietary requirements.

We would like to take photographs of the event for future publicity (including online). Please let us know if you would prefer us NOT to use photographs of you.

There will also be a bookshop on site.

Follow Up

DEF Members can now access a video of the talks.

We are grateful to Tim and the team at Christ Church for making this possible.

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