What we do

We support evangelicals and promote biblical ministry in the church

Through our committee and our wider membership, we ensure evangelical Christians are supported wherever they worship and actively seek to secure evangelical ministry across the Diocese of St Albans

We Educate

Each year we hold a major conference and other occasional events with invited speakers to teach us from the Bible.

We Engage

Our members get involved in the life of the diocese at many different levels, serving in parishes and on synods and their committees

We Campaign

We speak up about issues that affect the life of the church, writing to bishops and others and taking other steps where necessary.

We Support

We gather in small groups around the diocese, usually with food, to encourage one another and to pray for one another.

A Typical Year

An Annual Conference

In spring, we hold a conference with an invited speaker to address matters of cultural importance with the teaching of the Bible. Our conferences are open to non-members, too.

Regular Communication

We circulate newsletters with information about events and other matters of interest to members and others.

Food and Fellowship

We gather in small, local groups to discuss issues related to the work of the church in our areas and across the diocese. We pray for one another and together for the diocese, its people and its leaders. We coordinate support for members where this is needed.

Strategy and Speaking

We keep an eye out for churches in vacancy with a view to encouraging evangelical appointments, we encourage members to be active in diocesan synods and committees and we write to the diocesan bishop about matters of importance.


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