2018 Annual Conference with Lis Goddard

Partnerships for the Kingdom – Strategic & Missionary

This day is for those who are interested in building Christ’s church rather than empire building, and who are willing to think creatively about what that looks like.  

Taking 1 Corinthians 3 as our pattern, this day will look at how we can be radical in our approach to ministry, strategic in our partnerships and thoroughly missional in our thinking, always acknowledging that the work is God’s not ours.  We will look at what it means to work across boundaries and to enable all churches to become ‘Resource’ Churches, for the growth of the Kingdom.

The day will be divided into 2 sessions: in the morning we will be looking primarily at 1 Corinthians 3 and thinking about some biblical principles which should underlie the way we do ministry and mission.

In the afternoon we will be thinking about what that means for us today in our contexts.  There will be the opportunity for small group work, questions and prayer.

Our speaker

Lis Goddard is superbly placed to help us with this task.  She is passionate about seeing people come to Christ, discovering his healing and wholeness.  She longs to see churches really engaging with their communities, bringing God’s grace to hard places and figuring out how churches can best work together to bring the gospel to the world.

Lis is Vicar of St James the Less, Westminster and Chair of AWESOME, the Group for evangelical ordained women in the Church of England.  

In the past she has been chaplain of an Oxford College, and taught in a theological college, where she was Tutor for Ministerial Formation, helping students to put the academic theology they learnt into practice.  She has been on the staff of a couple of large churches and led a church plant.  She has also worked in a consultancy role for a church transitioning leadership structures.

She has contributed to several books and co-authored ‘The Gender Agenda’ (IVP 2010) with Clare Hendry.


This event is open to DEF members and others.  The cost  – £13 – includes lunch.  Booking is via our Eventbrite page.  Ample parking is available at the venue. 

Date:  Tuesday 15th May
Time:  10.30am-2.30pm
Venue: Christ Church Bushmead, Luton, LU2 7SF